22 – 25th of May 2024

Tools of Transformation
YOGABODY Retreat | Barcelona, Spain

Special Offer Ends in…

A 3-Day Retreat | 22-25 May 2024
Live event in Barcelona, Spain

The power of yoga can be summed up with one word: transformation. Yoga can transform your life with less stress, better sleep, improved strength and flexibility, natural weight management, and hormonal balance.

The challenge is the constant need to pick and choose the practices that best suit your ever-changing body and ever-changing life. When you find your focus, yoga can be a lifelong source of strength, stability, and abundant health.

Tools of Transformation is a three-day online yoga retreat designed to help you discover your path toward living your best life possible through applied yoga practices. Together we’ll explore strength and balance, breathing and mindfulness, spine and joint care, hormone balance, and more. This retreat will be 50 percent practice and 50 percent workshop-style lectures.

Our objective is for you to finish feeling refreshed and inspired, but most importantly, equipped with the mind-body tools you need to have an amazing year. The retreat is designed for all fitness levels, all ages, and backgrounds. The typical YOGABODY student is atypical. We have students and teachers from 41 countries, ranging in age from 17-74. We’re a science-based, inclusive, non-dogmatic school. Whatever your background, you’re welcome at YOGABODY.

Key Benefits of Attending

Reignite the Fire of Practice. Every single person experiences highs and lows when it comes to fitness. There are months or even years when it feels fun and flowing. Then there are times when yoga and any form of exercise just feels dull and difficult. During this retreat we’ll explore new ways of moving, breathing, and sequencing your yoga so that you can reignite your fire and reinvigorate your commitment to practice.

Manage Your Stress. The world is safer than ever, but to your neolithic brain, it doesn’t feel that way. With constant access to a newsfeed of war, crisis, and catastrophe in real time, it can be very challenging to find balance. Using yoga breathing, mindfulness, and anxiety transformation tools, you’ll learn safe and effective ways to shield your nervous system from an onslaught of worry.

Improve Your Sleep. Lack of sleep increases your risk of just about every mental and physical illness imaginable, and while it might be easy to sleep until 10 am on the weekends and relax on holidays, how do you enjoy restorative sleep on any given Tuesday when all the responsibilities and challenges of everyday life pile up? You’ll walk away from this online retreat with a checklist and an action plan.

Simplify Your Nutrition. There are dozens of diets that can help you in the short term—one to three months—but how can you find a personal nutrition plan that is easy and enjoyable enough to stick to for life? We’ll explore universal principles of nutrition so you can create a gameplan.

Stretch and Strengthen Your Body. Lifestyle fitness is an approach focused on living your best life for longer. You want to hike, travel, carry kids and grandkids in your arms, ski, swim, and remain active for as long as possible. To enjoy an active lifestyle well into your later years, you need muscle strength and mobility. We’ll address both from a moderate, lifestyle-focused perspective, so you have focus and a plan.

Connect with Like-Minded People. The research is clear. The single thing that will have the biggest impact on your health is the people you surround yourself with. If your friends and family are not on a path to lifestyle fitness, it’s nearly impossible to do it alone. With access to our Tools of Transformation community Telegram group, you’ll meet diverse but like-minded people to share ideas, experiences, and build friendships with online.

Is This Retreat Right For You?

This event is designed for health-minded people looking to live their best life and who are excited about the idea of gathering tools to make that happen. This is not a teacher training event or an advanced-level practice event. This is a personal growth and personal practice retreat where you will likely get as much or more from your time in-between sessions connecting with other students as you will from our structured sessions themselves.

Ask Yourself…

  • Are you excited to reignite the fire of your practice?
  • Do you consider yourself a curious, lifelong learner?
  • Are you open to learning new tools for stress, sleep, nutrition, anxiety, and selfcare?
  • Are you open to stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something new?
  • Do you consider yourself a curious, lifelong learner?

Location – Barcelona, Spain

The retreat will take place at the MCC Montblanc Hotel, located in Via Laietana. This street is a major thoroughfare in Barcelona, in the Ciutat Vella district. The avenue runs from Plaça Urquinaona to Plaça d’Antonio López, by the seafront, and separates the neighborhoods of the old city on either side – El Born on one side and Barri Gòtic on the other. The area is home to some of Bracelona’s most important buildings with different architectural styles, such as Modernista Art Nouveau, Art Déco, and Noucentista neo-classical. It is also very well connected with the Urquinaona Metro station only 2 minutes away and a 15-minute walk to La Barceloneta, the Barcelona seaside neighborhood.

Travel Details:

  • 20 September is arrival day / 23 September (late) or 24 September (early) is departure
  • For Mindful Marathon bonus day, plan to leave very late on the 24th of September or even better on the 25th (day after)
  • All events held at HCC Montblanc Hotel
  • Recommended hotels, visit the Travel Page
  • Airport: Barcelona El-Prat Airport
  • Ground Transportation: car rental, Uber, carpool

To learn more about Barcelona and travel recommendations, please visit this page.

Mindful Marathon – Costa Brava
Optional Two-night Event – 25 to 27 May

​​How many of your best memories in life involve adventure, nature, and physical activity? When you hear stories of people climbing mountains, running races, and cycling across the country, do you feel this unexplained call to adventure even though you’re not an athlete and don’t plan to become one? Lastly, do you feel like the next chapter in your life has the potential to be the best chapter yet, but you know you need to tee it up properly, take some time, and get clear on your values and goals?

If any of this sounds familiar, the Mindful Marathon Costa Brava might be an amazing opportunity for you, and I’m excited to invite you to join us.

This is an all-day hike along the spectacular Cami de Ronda trail and includes rocky cliffs, pine trees, turquoise waters, and never-ending views. It’s one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the world.

During long runs and extended hikes, you have time and space to introspect. As the hours pass and you fall into a rhythm, memories rise and fall, plans come together, and there’s a remarkable clarity to life that unfolds when you’re physically spent and mentally present. We’ll leave Barcelona on Saturday after the Tools of Transformation Retreat, and take a shuttle to San Feliu for an early night as we prepare for the walk. 

On Sunday, we’ll wake up before dawn and start hiking at 6 am. Every hour, we’ll hike and talk, and then stop to journal and reflect. Every hour, we rinse and repeat, beach after beach, village after village. This is not a race, it’s a journey. Fast or slow, you’ll never walk alone, you’ll never be on your own. 

What to expect:

  • Mental and physical challenges
  • Awesome coastal hiking, climbs and descents, passing sailboats, pine trees, and rocks
  • Positive people and a supportive, non-competitive, accessible environment 
  • A safe, supportive, and gentle approach to hiking 
  • Zero competition, zero focus on performance, zero judgement or expectation


  • If you can easily walk for 6 miles (10 km) on any given day, you can likely finish the half marathon distance
  • If you can easily walk for 13 miles (21 km) on any given day, you can likely finish the full marathon distance
  • No matter what your level of fitness, this will be a very challenging day
  • Not sure if you’re ready? This weekend, go for a monster walk and see how you feel during and afterwards
  • Still not sure? Email us support@yogabody.com

Due to the length of this event, we have both required and suggested gear to ensure best results.

Required gear (must have to join):

  • Travel insurance
  • Phone with mobile service
  • Hiking boots or shoes
  • Mini backpack / runner’s vest
  • Warm top / pullover
  • Hat for sun protection
  • Emergency blanket just in case
  • Super lightweight raincoat, just in case
  • 1 liter of water, bladder-style recommended
  • 2,500 calories worth of snacks - ideally in a mix of energy bars, snacks, gels, etc

Optional gear (can be left in van if not in use):

  • Walking poles (collapsible)
  • Vaseline / petroleum jelly / lotion
  • Sunscreen
  • 3 complete changes of clothes (socks/underwear are key)
  • Electrolytes if you use them (if not, skip as they can make you need the bathroom)

Included in the price:

  • Round Trip Bus Transport Barcelona > Costa Brava
  • Half Marathon Transport (if applicable)
  • Hotel accommodation at Elke Spa Hotel / Hotel Eetu on 25th & 26th
  • Breakfast 26th & 27th
  • Dinner on 26th
  • Mindful Marathon Journal

Frequently Asked Question

Yes, you can. But it’s better if you register for the half so we’ll be sure to have a transportation option for you. You can always leave your transport and keep going for the full.
We anticipate 70% half and 30% full based on previous event numbers.
Yes, there are many planned and unplanned stop options; however, you should always have water and calories for at least 10km on your back at any time.
No, it’s extremely well maintained, dry and at times rocky, but very safe. There are steep cliffs at times, but the trail is not exposed and you will not be in danger.
Mild and warm, 60 to 70 degrees F (15-20 C) is common. There are 300+ days of sun in this region, so there is a good chance we’ll have clear skies – but no guarantees of course. Most will hike in shorts or light pants. A warmer top layer to change into is required. If you’re prone to feeling cold, a stocking cap weighs very little and is a very efficient way to warm up.
There are three climbs and two descents, each about 200 meters (600 feet). The rest is mostly flat along the coast.
We have ample time for all speeds, but if you’re unable to complete a leg of the walk in the allotted time, you’ll simply get on the bus to the next location. In no cases will you be left alone, left behind, or on your own. One of our staff will stay with you and arrange transport if needed.
Dry snack foods are great. Light, easy-to-digest carbs are often preferred even if you don’t normally eat carbs. Some people like baked goods, sandwiches, and cheese. Since we're walking (not running) digestion is much easier to manage.
Our events have people in their 20s all the way until mid-70s. In terms of fitness, most people are active but not athletes, healthy but not fanatics. We also have plenty of people just starting their health journey, carrying extra weight, and struggling with injuries. You’re unlikely to meet anyone who does Ironman Triathlons or endurance events here. We train to live rather than live to train.



22-25 May 2024 | Barcelona, Spain

Normal registration : $995

Early Bird Registration: Save $500

Just $495*

*Must book before 15th March
*Accommodation / food are not included



22-27 May 2024 | Costa Brava, Spain

Normal registration : $995 + $149

Early Bird Tuition: Save $549*

Just $995*

*Must book before 15th March
*Retreat accommodation not included

Event Overview

Wednesday 22th of May
- Arrival day
7:00 pm Orientation Class
Thusday 23th of May
8:00 am – 9:30 am Yoga Class: Power Flow
11:30 pm – 1:00 pm Workshop: Stress Less
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Yoga Class: Science of Stretching Hips
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Workshop: Science of Sleep
Friday 24th of May
8:00 am – 9:30 am Yoga Class: Functional Flow
11:30 am – 1:00 pm Workshop: Hormonal Health
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Workshop: Universal Principles of Nutrition
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Yoga Class: Science of Stretching Spine
Saturday 25th of May
8:00 am – 9:30 am Yoga Class – Yin-Yang Flow
11:30 am – 1:00 pm Mindfulness Workshop
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Yoga Trapeze for Spinal Health
End of Tools for Transformation Retreat
Sunday 26th of May
6:00 am – 6:00 pm Mindful Marathon* (optional)

*Extra tuition / extra registration required
Schedule subject to change

Meet Your Trainers


Master Trainer & Director (E-RYT, YACEP)

Lucas Rockwood is an internationally-renowned yoga trainer, TEDx Speaker, author, podcaster, writer, and entrepreneur.

Lucas’ corporate training clients include Facebook and Noom. His early yoga and meditation teachers include Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (deceased), Paul Dallaghan, Alex Medin, Gabriel Cousens MD, and SN Goenka (deceased).

Lucas left the USA in 2003 and traveled and taught extensively before making Barcelona, Spain, his home base. In a previous life, he worked in theater, publishing, and as a plant-based chef and nutritional coach. He’s the father of three international kids and remains as passionate about yoga as when he first began practicing in 2002.

Lucas is the founder and managing director of YOGABODY®, YB Teachers College®, The Lucas Rockwood Show (podcast), and author of Yoga Business Mastery: Earn a Great Living Doing What You Love.


Trainer (E-RYT, YACEP)

Camilo Carreiro enrolled in his first yoga training course to deepen his practice, but he fell in love with teaching and made a quick career change.

Camilo joined the Barcelona YOGABODY team in 2015 and immediately became involved in the management of sequence development, course planning, and new teacher mentorship.

Camilo teaches, leads and co-leads The YOGABODY Teachers College® 200hr program, the Trapeze Teacher Training, Gravity Yoga Training and Breath Coach Training courses. His favorite after-class ritual is grabbing fresh fruit.

Student Reviews

  Verify on Trust Pilot or Facebook or Yoga Alliance.


“Lucas’ teaching is so rich of good content, very detailed and simple to understand.”

He’s so committed to take everyone to a higher standard of professionalism. Very passionate, supportive and motivating, I recommend him and his team with no hesitation. I’m really thankful.

– Giulia


“Thank you for your hard work and for the explanations you give for everything.”

Many years I practice yoga, but I wasn’t happy with my progress, so I found YOGABODY. I am so happy with the program I received from them. I am doing very good progress. I want to say Thank you very much Lucas! You’re my teacher now!

– Tanya


“I love the YOGABODY approach to yoga.”

It’s science-based and fitness focused. Every program that Lucas Rockwood teaches is like gold. As a yoga teacher, I feel well equipped to teach my students and manage my own yoga business because of the YOGABODY trainings. Thank you!

– Richelle

Special Offer Ends in…

A 3-Day Retreat | 22-25 May 2024
Live event in Barcelona, Spain