The Private Yoga “Give Yourself a Raise” Technique
Part #5 of 7- Double Your Yoga Income
When I begin working with yoga teachers to increase their earnings, almost everyone starts with just one source of income: they teach classes. This is normal, but “one” is the worst number when it comes to streams of income. You need at least two, and ideally more.
So today, I’m going to help you add an additional stream of income and give yourself a raise right away. It doesn’t matter if you have a full teaching schedule or running a studio. Whatever you’re doing, this strategy works great every time.
Here’s what you do. First, set your private teaching rates. To do this, take the cost of a one month membership at your local studio and work backwards. I’m going to move quickly here, so stay with me.
Average 1 month membership in your city: $125/month*
(*remember to use the real number from where you live, it might be higher, it might be lower)
Your new private rate: $125/class
4-class prepay package (save 20%): $399
12-class prepay package (save 30%): $997
“But that single class rate is so high, who is going to pay that?” teachers always ask me. The answer is, no one! You price it high because teaching single, one-off privates is a lose-lose experience. You’ll spend more time trying to find their house than actually teaching, and the student will be so nervous they won’t remember anything you say.
Forget about one-off privates. They are useless. Long term is win-win. It’s affordable, and you’ll both find it incredibly rewarding.
“But how do I get students?” you ask.
To find new private yoga clients, here’s what you do. Copy&paste the text below to your Facebook and Instagram account. Next, email everyone on your email list (remember, this is your community!). The final step is to reply to the people who you feel you can really help with their health goals.
Free Template
——– for teachers, copy&paste this to your social media and email ——–
NOTICE: I’m accepting 3 new private yoga clients to start this month. My private yoga programs are designed to help you meet your mind-body wellness goals more quickly, particularly if you have a busy schedule and find that your health is suffering.
In yoga, my focus is on you: your strength, flexibility, peace-of-mind, and balance. I’m looking to work with people who’d like to make big changes in their lives. Are you up for the challenge? I can only take 3 students because of my schedule, so please email me today if you’re interested:
——– studio owners, copy&paste this to your social media and email ——–
NOTICE: I’m excited to announce a new private yoga program at our studio, available for just 7 students right now.
If you like group classes, you’ll love our private programs. They are designed to help you meet your mind-body wellness goals more quickly, particularly if you have a busy schedule and find that your health is suffering.
In the program, we’ll focus on you: your strength, flexibility, peace-of-mind, and balance. We’re looking people who want to make big changes in their lives. Are you up for the challenge? We can only accommodate 7 students because of scheduling, so please email today if you’re interested:
SIDE NOTE: Case Study
I taught this technique to a friend years ago. He was an awesome teacher but struggling to make his rent payments living in New York City. Three weeks after implementing this pricing structure (it’s really this simple), he made more in one month than he’d made the entire previous year. Give it a try.
Check out the next post of this series: 3 -Off-the-Mat marketing Strategies